St. Thomas Community Church


Here you will find classics of Christian literature, as well as articles, essays, poems, etc. written by the members of the St. Thomas Community Church.


Caedmon's Hymn by St. Caedmon (died c. 680)

Ninety-Five Theses, or the Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, by Martin Luther (1483 - 1546).

Sermon of the Wolf to the English by St. Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester (c. 1009 - 1095)
(or if you're really brave, try it in the original Anglo-Saxon!)

A Spiritual Canticle of the Souls and the Bridegroom Christ by St. John of the Cross (1542 - 1591)

Summa theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274)

Article, Essays, Poems, etc.

Prayers, devotions, etc.

Standard Prayers:

The Our Father (Lord's Prayer)
The Magnificat (Mary's Song of Praise)
The Hail Mary (Not just for Catholics!)

For Special Occasions:

Morning Prayer
Night Prayer
For Confidence
For Guidance
For Children
For the Recovery of a Sick Person
For the Depressed
For Those Who Have Passed On
A General Thanksgiving

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